Валентин Александрович Серов Иван Иванович Шишкин Исаак Ильич Левитан Виктор Михайлович Васнецов Илья Ефимович Репин Алексей Кондратьевич Саврасов Василий Дмитриевич Поленов Василий Иванович Суриков Архип Иванович Куинджи Иван Николаевич Крамской Василий Григорьевич Перов Николай Николаевич Ге
Главная страница История ТПХВ Фотографии Книги Ссылки Статьи Художники:
Ге Н. Н.
Васнецов В. М.
Касаткин Н.А.
Крамской И. Н.
Куинджи А. И.
Левитан И. И.
Малютин С. В.
Мясоедов Г. Г.
Неврев Н. В.
Нестеров М. В.
Остроухов И. С.
Перов В. Г.
Петровичев П. И.
Поленов В. Д.
Похитонов И. П.
Прянишников И. М.
Репин И. Е.
Рябушкин А. П.
Савицкий К. А.
Саврасов А. К.
Серов В. А.
Степанов А. С.
Суриков В. И.
Туржанский Л. В.
Шишкин И. И.
Якоби В. И.
Ярошенко Н. А.

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Illustrations in the text

Vasily Surikov. Portrait of Praskovya Surikova, the Painter's Mother. 1887. Oil on canvas. 66.2×48 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. The Surikov's House in Krasnoyarsk. 1890s. Watercolour on paper. 23.5×33.5 cm. Territorial Art Gallery, Krasnoyarsk.

Vasily Surikov. Peter the Great Dragging the Ships from the Gulf Onega to the Lake Onega to Take the Fortress of Noteburg from the Swedes. 1872. Lead pencil, coal on paper. 52.5×70.8 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

Vasily Surikov. In a Coach to the Chornaya Rechka in the Rain. 1871. Sepia, watercolour with soratching on paper. 16.8×21.6 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Minusinskaya Steppe. 1873. Watercolour on paper. 13,7×31,8 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Samovar. 1876. Watercolour on paper. 22.6×15.6 cm. The painter's family collection.

Streltsy Riot of 1682. Engraving after N. Dmitriyev.

Vasily Surikov. Morning of the Streltsy Execution. 1881. Detail.

Vasily Surikov. Wife (in a White Letnik) of a Strelets Taken to be Executed. Study. 1879. Oil on canvas. 55×37.6 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Girl Crying. Study. 1879. Oil on canvas. 28×39 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Wife of the Black-bearded Strelets. Study. 1879. Oil on canvas. 26×21.5 cm. Private collection, Moscow.

Ilya Repin. Princess Sofia. 1879. Oil on canvas. 201.8×145.3 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Morning of the Streltsy Execution. Detail.

Vasily Surikov. Strelets in a Cap. 1879. Lead pencil on paper. 28.2×19.2 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Red-bearded Strelets. Study. Oil on canvas. 31×25.5 cm. Museum of Russian Art, Kiev.

Vasily Surikov. Road to Khot'kovo. Study. 1884. Oil on canvas mounted on cardboard. 21.7×15.3 cm. State Historical, Cultural and Literary Museum-Reserve Abramtsevo.

Vasily Surikov. Sitter in an Old Russian Attire. 1882. Watercolour on paper. 34.4×24.5 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Menshikov in Beryozovo. Detail.

Vasily Surikov. Male Portrait. Study for the figure of Menshikov. 1882. Oil on canvas. 60×48 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Maiden's Head. Head of a Woman Wearing Spectacles. Study. Lead pencil, watercolour on paper. 22.2×32.2 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Menshikov in Beryozovo. Detail.

Vasily Surikov. Zubovsky Boulevard in Winter. Oil on canvas. 42×30 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Alexander Litovchenko. Boyarynia Morozova. 1881. Art Museum, Novgorod.

Klavdy Lebedev, Nikolai Bogatov. Boyarynia Morozova Visiting Archpriest Avvakum.

Vasily Surikov. Boyarynia Morozova. Study for the composition. Lead pencil on paper. Travelling album, plate 16. The painter's family collection.

Vasily Surikov. Boyarynia Morosova. Study for the composition. Watercolour on paper. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

Vasily Surikov. Boyarynia Morozova. Study for the composition. Watercolour on paper. 10.1×18 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

Vasily Surikov. Royarynia Morozova. Sketches. Lead pencil on paper. Travelling album, plate 15 (back). The painter's family collection.

Vasily Surikov. Boyarynia Morozova. Study for the composition. Watercolour on paper. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

Vasily Surikov. Boyarynia Morozova. Study for the composition. 1881. Oil on canvas. 48.7×72 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Small Horse. Oil on canvas. 27×37 cm. Private collection, Paris.

Vasily Surikov. Boyarynia Morozova. Two sketches for the central part of the composition with the harnessed horse. Lead pencil on paper. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Boyarynia Morozova. Female figure in the posture of Morozova. Sketches. Lead pencil on paper. 24.3×33.3 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Boyarynia Morozova. Right group of figures. Sketch. Lead pencil on paper. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Head of a Glancing Nun. Oil on canvas. Whereabouts unknown.

Vasily Surikov. Boyarynia Morozova. Detail.

Vasily Surikov. The Blessed One Sitting on the Ground. Lead pencil on paper. 24.6×33.5 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. The Blessed One Sitting on the Snow. Study. Oil on canvas. 68.5×55.5 cm. Art Museum, Kirov.

Vasily Surikov. Head of the Blessed One. Study. 1885. Oil on canvas. 44×36 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Head of the Blessed One. Lead pencil on paper. 25.5×17.7 cm. Art Museum of Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic, Kishinev.

Vasily Surikov. Boyarynia Morozova. Detail.

Vasily Surikov. Head of a Woman in a Black Shawl. 1886. Oil on canvas. 46×36 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

Vasily Surikov. Beggar-Woman [Khitrov Market, Stepanov's House, 26. Feodor Gryadnoi]. Lead pencil on paper. Art Museum, Vilnius.

Vasily Surikov. Old Woman in a White Shawl. Study for the figure of Princess Urusova. 1885. Oil on canvas. 34×27.5 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Figure of a Laughing Priest. Study. 1885. Oil on canvas. 72×42 cm. Art Museum of Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, Minsk.

Vasily Surikov. Boyarynia Morozova. Detail.

Vasily Surikov. Two Boyars Laughing. Study. Watercolour, lead pencil on paper. 24.6×33.5 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Head of a Laughing Priest. Study. 1886. Oil on canvas. 42×32 cm. Private collection, Kiev.

Vasily Surikov. Head of a Nun. Watercolour, lead pencil on paper. 24.5×16.5 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Nun with her Hands Pressed to her Face. Study. 1884—87. Oil on canvas. 34.5×26.5 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Boyarynia Morozova's Arm. Oil on canvas. 28.3×23.1 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Nun in a Shawl with a Hand Raised to her Face. 1884. Oil on canvas. 24.5×20.5 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Blind Beggar. Two studies of the head. 1884. Oil on canvas. 30×24 cm. The painter's family collection.

Vasily Surikov. Head of an Old Man Standing in the Crowd. Study. Oil on canvas. 40×31 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Head of a Boyaryshnia in a Violet Vest (Dushegreya) and Decorated Head Gear. 1885. Oil on canvas. 28×22 cm. The painter's family collection.

Vasily Surikov. Head of a Boy in a Cap. Study. Lead pencil on paper. 24×33 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Running Boy. Back View. Study. Oil on canvas. 70×47 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Girl in a Red Shirt. 1892. Watercolour, lead pencil on paper. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Self-portrait. 1879. Oil on canvas. 21.8×17.5 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Portrait of Ye. Deryagina. 1879. Oil on canvas. 39×29 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Ilya Repin. Zaporozhian Cossacks. 1880—91. Oil on canvas. 203×358 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

Vasily Surikov. Storming the Snow Fortress. 1891. Oil on canvas. 156×282 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

Vasily Surikov. Head of a Laughing Girl. Study. 1890—91. Oil on canvas. 32,5×26,3 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Nikolai Dmitriyev-Orenburgsky. Episode of Yermak Conquering Siberia.

Vasily Surikov. Yermak Conquering Siberia. Sketch. 1892. Watercolour on paper. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Unknown master. Portrait of Yermak.

Vasily Surikov. Head of Yermak. 1891. Watercolour on paper. 24×15,9 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Kirghizians. 1894. Watercolour, black chalk on paper. 13,8×24,8 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

Vasily Surikov. Heads of the Tartars. 1893. Oil on canvas. 20,7×29,7 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

Vasily Surikov. Yermak Conquering Siberia. Sketch. 1891. Lead pencil on paper. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

Vasily Surikov. Yermak Conquering Siberia. Sketch.

1891. Watercolour on paper. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

Vasily Surikov. Yermak Conquering Siberia. Sketch. Watercolour on paper. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Yermak Conquering Siberia. Sketch. Watercolour, lead pencil on paper. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Yermak Conquering Siberia. Sketch.

1892. Oil on canvas. Museum of Russian Art, Kiev.

Vasily Surikov. Yermak with a Group of Cossacks. 1893. Watercolour, lead pencil on paper. 34,3×24,5 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

Vasily Surikov. Cossack Shooting. Oil on canvas. 32,5×23,3 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

Vasily Surikov. Yermak Conquering Siberia. 1895. Detail.

Taras Shevchenko. Portrait of Alexander Suvorov. 1845.

Vasily Surikov. Suvorov Crossing the Alps in 1799. 1899. Detail.

Vasily Surikov. Suvorov Crossing the Alps in 1799. Sketch. 1898—99. Watercolour on paper. 24,3×18,5 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

Vasily Surikov. Old Man. Study for Head of Suvorov. 1898. Oil on canvas. 26×20 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Head of Old Man. Study for Head of Suvorov. Oil on canvas. 27,5×21,3 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Head of a Soldier Making the Sign of the Cross. Study. 1897. Oil on canvas. 41×30 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

Vasily Surikov as Stepan Razin. Photo. 1906.

Vasily Surikov. Stepan Razin. Sketch. 1901. Oil on canvas. 11,6×19 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Paul Fürst. Portrait of Stepan Razin. 17th century.

Vasily Surikov. Head of Razin. Study. 1910. Indian ink, lead pencil, brush on paper. 35×44 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

Vasily Surikov. Stepan Razin. Sketch. 1887. Watercolour, white on paper. 14×25,6 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Razin, Study. 1909. Oil on canvas. Museum of Fine Arts, Kharkov.

Vasily Surikov. Princess Visiting a Nunnery. Sketch. Lead pencil on paper.

Vasily Surikov. Princess Visiting a Nunnery. Sketch. Oil on canvas. 22×31 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Church in the Village of Dyakovo. 1900—10 s. Watercolour on paper. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Vasily Surikov. Seville. Corrida. 1910. Watercolour, lead pencil on paper. 25,5×34,5 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

Vasily Surikov. Self-portrait. 1910. Lead pencil on paper. 32,7×24,1 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Plate section

1. Monument to Peter the Great on the Senate Square in St. Petersburg. 1870. Oil on canvas. 52×71 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

2. The First Oecumenical Council. Sketch for the murals in Christ the Saviour Cathedral in Moscow. 1876—77. Oil on canvas mounted on cardboard. 33,9×32,3 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

3. The Third Oecumenical Council. 1876—77. Oil on canvas mounted on cardboard. 33,6×32,5 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

4. The Second Oecumenical Council. 1876—77. Oil on canvas mounted on cardboard. 30,5×32 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

5. The Fourth Oecumenical Council. 1876—77. Oil on canvas mounted on cardboard. 30,5×32,2 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

6. Belshazzar's Feast. 1874. Oil on canvas. 81×140 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

7. The Holy Face. Sudarium. 1872. Oil on canvas. 54×86 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

8. Belfry of Ivan the Great and Domes of the Dormition Cathedral. 1876. Watercolour, lead pencil on paper. 15,4×23 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

9. Old Gardener. 1882. Oil on canvas. 140,9×97,3 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

10. Morning of the Streltsy Execution. 1881. Oil on canvas. 218×379 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

11. Morning of the Streltsy Execution. Detail.

12. Morning of the Streltsy Execution. Detail.

13. Morning of the Streltsy Execution. Detail.

14. Morning of the Streltsy Execution. Detail.

15. With a Guitar (Portrait of Sofia Kropotkina). 1882. Watercolour on paper. 34,5×24,5 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

16. Menshikov's Elder Daughter Maria. Study. 1882. Watercolour on paper. 34×24,5 cm. The painter's family collection.

17. Menshikov in Beryozovo. 1883. Oil on canvas. 169×204 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

18. Icon Corner in a Village House. 1883. Watercolour on paper. 23,8×33,8 cm. Theo Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

19. Icon-lamp. 1883. Watercolour on paper. 24,7×16,3 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

20. Pompei. 1884. Watercolour on paper. 25,3×17,6 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

21. Naples. 1884. Watercolour on paper. 17,6×25,2 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

22. Naples. 1900. Watercolour on paper. 23×30,5 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

23. Coliseum. 1884. Watercolour on paper. 21×23,3 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

24. Naples. 1884. Watercolour on paper. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

25. St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome. 1884. Watercolour on paper. 17×25,2 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

26. Boyarynia Morozova. 1887. Oil on canvas. 304×587,5 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

27. Boyarynia Morozova. Sketch. 1885. Watercolour on paper. 17,2×32,5 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

28. Pilgrim. Study. 1886. Watercolour on paper. 33,5×24,7 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

29 Head of Boyarynia Morozova (Study with a Red Dot). 1886. Oil on canvas. 32,5×26,8 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

30. Boyarynia Morozova. Detail.

31. Pilgrim. Study. 1883—85. Black chalk on paper. 41,4×33,2 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

32. Boyaryshnia (young lady) in a Blue Fur Coat. 1887. Oil on canvas. 84,4×55,5 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

33. Boyarynia Morozova. Detail.

34. Boyarynia Morozova. Detail.

35. Head of a Laughing Priest. Oil on canvas. 34,5×27,5 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

36. Laughing Merchant. Oil on canvas. 1886. 32×35 cm. Private collection, Paris.

37. Head of a Boyaryshnia in a Violet Vest (Dushegreya). 25,9×24,8 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

38. Boy Walking before Urusova. Study. Oil on canvas. 43×31 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

39. Lad Lost in Thought. 1885. Oil on canvas. 34,2×25 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

40. Head of a Boyaryshnia. Study. 1890. Watercolour on paper. 19,5×14 cm. Art Museum of Tula Province.

41. Young Woman in a Gilt Tippet. 1886. Oil on canvas. 49,5×36,5 cm. Museum of Local Lore, Ryazan.

42. Monk. 1900s. Oil on canvas. Province Museum of Fine Arts, Omsk.

43. Arkhip Semyonovich Tsvetkov. Study. 1883. Oil on canvas. 35,5×29,5 cm. National Gallery, Prague.

44. Figure of the Strelets in a Red Kaftan Walking Next to Urusova. 1883. Oil on canvas. 59×47 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

45. Storming the Snow Fortress. 1891. Oil on canvas. 156×282 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

46. Storming the Snow Fortress. Detail.

47. Town Woman (Portrait of Alexandra Yemelyanova). 1902. Oil on canvas. 82×67,4 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

48. Portrait of Olga Surikova, the Painter's Daughter, as a Child. 1888. Oil on canvas. 135×80 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

49. Portrait of a Woman. 1885. Watercolour on paper. 34,5×26 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

50. Young Girl in a Red Shirt. 1892. Watercolour, lead pencil on paper. 19,5×12,9 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

51. Berlin. 1912. Watercolour on paper. 21×23,3 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

52. Beauty from Siberia (Portrait of Ekaterina Rachkovskaya). 1891. Oil on canvas. 50×39 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

53. Cossack Woman (Portrait of L. Motorina). 1892. Oil on canvas. 86×68 cm. The painter's family collection.

54. Portrait of Alexandra Yemelyanova. 1903. Oil on canvas. 62×52 cm. Art Museum of Tula Province.

55. Portrait of Alexandra Yurgenson. 1900s. Oil on canvas. 93,5×83,5 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

56. Portrait of P. Shcherbatova. 1910. Oil on canvas. 96,5×70 cm. Alexander Radishchev Art Museum, Saratov.

57. Portrait of Anastasia Dobrinskaya. 1911. Oil on canvas. 61×47,5 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

58. Yermak Conquering Siberia. 1895. Oil on canvas. 285×599 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

59. Yermak Conquering Siberia. Detail.

60. Yermak Conquering Siberia. Detail.

61. Krasnoyarsk Riot of 1695—98. 1900s. Watercolour, lead pencil on paper. 21,4×33 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

62. Cossack Rzhidin of the Don. Oil on canvas. 32×24 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

63. View of Krasnoyarsk from a Hill. 1890s. Oil on canvas. 39,8×70,8 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

64. Herd of Horses in Barabinskaya Steppe. Oil on canvas. 33,5×61,5 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

65. Portrait of Alexander Suvorov. 1907. Oil on canvas mounted on cardboord. 54×44 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

66. Suvorov Crossing the Alps in 1799. 1899. Oil on canvas. 495×373 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

67. Soldier with a Drum. 1898. Oil on canvas. 48×34 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

68. Soldier with a Gun. 1898. Oil on canvas. 55,5×37 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

69. Head of a Drummer. Study. 1898. Oil on canvas. 34,5×31,5 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

70. Soldier Descending the Snowbound Mountain Slope. 1898. Oil on canvas. 64×48,8 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

71. Old Soldier Descending the Snowbound Mountain Slope. 1898. Oil on canvas. 69×49,8 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

72. Suvorov Crossing the Alps. Detail.

73. Man with an Injured Arm. 1913. Oil canvas. 68,5×53 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

74. Self-portrait. 1915. Oil on canvas. 92×75 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

75. Portrait of N. Matveyeva. 1909. Oil on canvas. 92×74,5 cm. Museum of Fine Arts, Kharkov.

76. Portrait of an Unknown Woman on the Yellow Background. 1911. Oil on canvas. 51×44 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

77. Stepan Razin. 1906. Oil on canvas. 318×600 cm. The Russian Museum, Leningrad.

78. Cossack in a Red Shirt. 1901—07. Oil on canvas. 33×26,5 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

79. Young Oarsman. 1905. Oil on canvas. Vasily Surikov Memorial House-Museum, Krasnoyarsk.

80. Seville. Alcazar. 1910. Watercolour on paper. 25×34,5 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

81. Seville. 1910. Watercolour on paper. 34,5×25 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

82. Princess. Study. 1911. Watercolour on paper. Picture Gallery, Taganrog.

83. Princess Visiting a Nunnery. 1912. Oil on canvas. 144×202 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

84. View of Kremlin. 1913. Oil on canvas. 29×48 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

On the frontispice

Self-portrait. 1913. Oil on canvas. 70×62,4 cm. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Вид памятника Петру I на Сенатской площади в Петербурге
В. И. Суриков Вид памятника Петру I на Сенатской площади в Петербурге, 1870
Венеция. Палаццо дожей
В. И. Суриков Венеция. Палаццо дожей, 1900
Вид на Кремль
В. И. Суриков Вид на Кремль, 1913
Переход Суворова через Альпы в 1799 году
В. И. Суриков Переход Суворова через Альпы в 1799 году, 1899
Голова молодого казака
В. И. Суриков Голова молодого казака, 1905
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